Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hawk "Eye"

I'm that guy that carries his camera with him while driving around and pulls over if he sees something. Today it was this Red-tailed Hawk.  It was facing away from the street in a church parking lot.  It was late in the day so I wanted to get the sun on it for a better picture and of course that was not the way it was facing.  So I leaned out of my car and started whistling and saying "hey"...and this is the look I got...

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Happy 20th Birthday to my nephew Jon!

Twenty is a nice milestone in longer a teenager.  Very proud of him and excited about his future.  He is a faithful reader of my blog and helps me with identifications.

One of my favorite pictures...

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Happy Groundhog Day

My annual post.  My favorite mammal as a kid.  I've posted pictures in years past that I was fortunate enough to take.  This year, here is a book I checked out of my elementary school library more times than I can count...(written by Dorothy Lothrop Brown in 1933).