Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Well it's not Jack and the Beanstalk

I wasn't sure what to expect with my milkweed experiment.  I've learned I need to thin out my seedlings if they are clumped and mine are definitely clumped.  I continue to thin out without taking too many away.

My neighbor rolled through the other day with a riding lawn mower and took out a few spots.  I knew this might happen which is why I planted some into the woods and some closer to my fence.

Here is a picture of one the plants my seed pods came from.  Clearly this plant is ahead of mine.  I'm hoping that mine continue to grow and the in Year Two, I will have a more mature root system which will lead to a taller plant.  We shall see. 

Here is what mine look like as of Sunday compared to a plastic knife...


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