Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Nice buck!

When I check my trail camera I see how many pictures it took.  And if the number is low, I'm disappointed but I've learned it's not how many pictures it took but what was captured.  Not bad with this buck...

Friday, August 13, 2021

First results from new trail camera location...not bad!

Here are some nice daytime pictures of fawns that passed through.  The last picture shows the second one.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Trying a new location for my trail camera

 In an effort to save going out and around and up in the woods (along with being reminded it is tick season), I'm trying a new location I can reach from our yard.  I have put the camera on corner fence posts before and had some decent results.  So I will try this long branch and see if it works well.  It is facing north which is what they recommend.  Updates to follow!