Growing up with milkweed in our yard, I have long wanted plants in my yard (or near my yard) I learned to appreciate the Monarch butterflies it attracted and the fact they need the plant to survive.
I have been reading that Monarch numbers are down due to weather and loss of habitat. So the combination of my wanting it around and the desperate need to have it led me to plant some behind my back fence.
On our walks, we have met many nice people in our neighborhood. One in particular has milkweed and I have commented on it.
Last fall, he walked up to our house and hung a bag full of pods for me on our doorknob (even some from his neighbor). He included a note and some lucky buckeyes. I got the seeds planted in probably 20 spots behind our back fence last November. I wanted to keep them away from Rusty.
Here is the bag....
Here are the buckeyes (I planted one for luck)
Here are some seeds in the ground....
Wish me luck. I will certainly post updates as the plants (hopefully) grow and you can expect me to be stalking Monarchs.
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